Friday, October 30, 2015

Sewing Fridays

Normally on Friday nights I go to one of the aunties' houses for sewing night.  It's a lot of fun, good girlfriend bonding with the cousins and aunts.  We do some work, or not as the case may be.  Last week we put together a pastel pink and blue 'bricks' top.  This one will go to a church group of ladies that like to hand quilt, in old fashioned quilting bee style.

I guess it's fitting because that's how we sewed it together, in quilting bee style.  Each one of us had a job, mine was cutting.  Everyone did the layout.  Nancy sewed, with Allyson and Amy arranging the piles to take next and Aunt Zel doing the pressing.

This weekend some of them went to a quilt retreat in Reedsburg WI and doubtless are having a whale of a time working on the project... possibly staying up until all hours of the night, possibly playing 'strip poker' -- quilter's style, with jelly roll strips, not the other kind!
They'll also be having lunch with some cousins who live up there.  I think Chinese food is probably going to be on the menu.
So any sewing happening tonight in MY family will have to have to happen in my own sewing room.
Hmmm.  What to do?  Maybe I'll start quilting the Lily Quilt.
Sew on...

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